Quais são os problemas mais comuns de gerenciamento de estoque que as empresas enfrentam?

Most Common Inventory Management Problems Businesses Face

Eficaz gestão de inventário é a base do sucesso para empresas em vários setores. A capacidade de controlar perfeitamente o fluxo de mercadorias dos fabricantes para os clientes é vital para manter uma vantagem competitiva. No entanto, as empresas muitas vezes enfrentam uma infinidade de inventory management problems that can impact efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will delve into the most prevalent challenges businesses encounter in managing their inventories and explore potential solutions.

1. Roturas e excesso de stocks: Alcançando o equilíbrio certo

Um dos desafios perenes gestão de inventário é encontrar o delicado equilíbrio entre atender à demanda do cliente e evitar rupturas ou excesso de estoque. Uma ruptura de estoque ocorre quando uma empresa fica sem um determinado produto, levando à perda de vendas e clientes insatisfeitos. Por outro lado, o excesso de estoque compromete capital valioso e espaço de armazenamento.

Solução: Implementando um robusto sistema de gerenciamento de estoque é crucial. Esses sistemas aproveitam dados históricos, tendências atuais do mercado e outros fatores para prever a demanda com precisão. Os pontos de reabastecimento automatizados ajudam as empresas a reabastecer os itens em tempo hábil, evitando rupturas e excesso de estoque.

2. Gestão inadequada de armazéns: organização para eficiência

Eficiente gerenciamento de armazenagem é essencial para um gerenciamento de estoque eficaz. A má organização dentro de um armazém pode resultar em erros, atrasos e aumento dos custos de transporte.

Solução: As empresas devem investir em tecnologias modernas sistemas de gerenciamento de armazém que agilizam processos e melhoram a eficiência geral. Rastreamento em tempo real, sistemas de separação automatizadose a integração com outros processos de negócios pode melhorar significativamente gerenciamento de armazenagem.

3. Lack of Real-Time Visibility: The Need for Timely Information

Real-time visibility into inventory is paramount for making informed decisions. Manual tracking methods and delayed updates can lead to inaccuracies and mismanagement.

Solução: Implementing an integrated inventory management system that provides real-time visibility is essential. This ensures businesses can monitor stock levels, track shipments, and make adjustments promptly based on the most current data.

4. Previsão de demanda imprecisa: antecipando as necessidades do cliente

A previsão precisa da demanda é fundamental para evitar rupturas e excesso de estoque. No entanto, muitas empresas lutam para prever com precisão a demanda dos clientes, levando a níveis de estoque abaixo do ideal.

Solução: A utilização de análises avançadas e algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina pode aumentar a precisão da previsão de demanda. Ao analisar dados históricos, tendências de mercado e fatores externos, as empresas podem fazer previsões mais confiáveis. A atualização regular dos modelos de previsão com base nas mudanças nas condições do mercado também é essencial.

5. Processos Manuais e Erros Humanos: Minimizando Erros

Depender de processos manuais aumenta o risco de erros humanos. Erros simples, como erros de entrada de dados ou falhas de comunicação, podem ter consequências significativas.

Solução: A automação é a chave para reduzir erros humanos. Implementando tecnologias como sistemas de leitura de código de barras e RFID, juntamente com processos automatizados de entrada de dados, minimiza intervenções manuais e aumenta a precisão em gestão de inventário.

6. Relacionamentos ruins com fornecedores: a importância da colaboração

Relacionamentos fortes com fornecedores são fundamentais para manter uma eficiência cadeia de mantimentos. Questões como entregas atrasadas ou fornecedores não confiáveis ​​podem atrapalhar o fluxo de mercadorias.

Solução: Estabelecer e cultivar relacionamentos sólidos com fornecedores confiáveis ​​é crucial. A comunicação regular, expectativas claras e monitoramento do desempenho do fornecedor podem ajudar a mitigar possíveis problemas. A diversificação da base de fornecedores também proporciona uma proteção contra interrupções.

7. Fatores Externos Imprevisíveis: Planejamento para Contingências

Fatores externos, como desastres naturais ou mudanças repentinas nas condições de mercado, podem impactar o cadeia de mantimentos inesperadamente. As empresas muitas vezes consideram difícil adaptar-se a estas circunstâncias imprevisíveis.

Solução: Embora seja impossível controlar fatores externos, é essencial ter planos de contingência em vigor. Manter estoques de segurança, diversificar fornecedores e ter opções alternativas de transporte são estratégias que podem ajudar as empresas a responder de forma mais eficaz.

8. Altos custos de manutenção: gerenciamento de despesas

Custos de transporte, incluindo armazenamento, seguro e obsolescência, podem impactar significativamente a lucratividade de uma empresa. Altos custos de manutenção podem resultar de excesso de estoque, estoque lento ou ineficiência. gerenciamento de armazenagem.

Solução: Regularly reviewing and optimizing inventory levels, improving warehouse efficiency, and identifying and liquidating obsolete stock can help reduce carrying costs

Implementing just-in-time gestão de inventário strategies can also minimize the need for excessive storage.

Conclusion: Overcoming Challenges for Effective Inventory Management

While gestão de inventário poses several challenges, addressing these common inventory management problems is crucial for long-term success. Leveraging technology, fostering strong supplier relationships, and staying agile in response to external factors are key strategies to overcome these challenges. By focusing on solutions and continuously optimizing processes, businesses can achieve efficient and effective gestão de inventário, meeting customer demand while maximizing profitability.

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The SKUBIQ is a cloud based Warehouse management system and is designed for third-party logistics companies to manage multiple customers, processes and billing schedules. The system enables access to real-time information and provides integrations with warehouse management technologies, including EDI, barcode scanning, and e-commerce shopping carts. The software scalability helps companies to manage different stock levels in warehouses, streamline business, and satisfy customers.

SKUBIQ is designed to help logistics companies automate processes and bill items accurately. The software provides features which allow the user to easily add and remove customers and products. The software is designed to help logistics providers satisfy customers’ need for updated information and increase profits through process automation.

The SKUBIQ can be integrated with any line of business application or ERP thereby allowing users to synchronize items, inventory, purchase orders, and receipts.


The manufacturing is a highly regulated industry globally where attention to detail is critical to help ensure stringent requirements for product quality and deadlines are met. Its become imperative for organizations to achieve a lean environment in which they have visibility to and control over these details is where competitive advantage often resides. SKUBIQ partners with major manufacturing companies globally to improve efficiency and reduce costs, such as:

  1. Support of lean manufacturing initiatives by including inventory management capabilities within manufacturing
  2. Initiating supplier re-orders based on demand signals
  3. Compliance with industry requirements for quality, product tracking, safety, and recall management
  4. Integrated RFID, including asset tracking
  5. Quality assurance and inspection
  6. Managing a large product catalog / SKU proliferation
  7. Addressing Customer OEM parts packaging
  8. Core stratification and remanufacturing
  9. Wave planning and small order pick optimization to reduce picker travel
  10. Serialized inventory tracking
  11. EDI / ASN integration

Centro de distribuição

Distributors normally lack precise and seamless traceability, lot control, and recall management capabilities jeopardizing the inventory thereby putting their businesses at risk of compliance failures and legal liabilities. In addition, they are constantly challenged by the emerging consumer demands for omni-channel commerce, specialized products, and more convenient delivery options

SKUBIQ is trusted worldwide for supply chain management and visibility. But Why? Simply because our uniquely adaptable software solutions help companies like you stay on top of this fast-changing market.

SKUBIQ helps address the complete process of fulfilling complex, multi-temperature home delivery orders. SKUBIQ has the inbuilt flexibility in helping emerging online retailers and distributors a wide range of specialty products through traditional eCommerce fulfillment models.

As one of the market leaders in warehouse management (WMS) for cold-storage, third-party-logistics companies that play a critical role distribution, we bridge inventory and distribution between some of the world’s largest producers and their customers.

Moda e Varejo

The SKUBIQ is a cloud based Warehouse management system and is designed for third-party logistics companies to manage multiple customers, processes and billing schedules. The system enables access to real-time information and provides integrations with warehouse management technologies, including EDI, barcode scanning, and e-commerce shopping carts. The software scalability helps companies to manage different stock levels in warehouses, streamline business, and satisfy customers.

SKUBIQ is designed to help logistics companies automate processes and bill items accurately. The software provides features which allow the user to easily add and remove customers and products. The software is designed to help logistics providers satisfy customers’ need for updated information and increase profits through process automation.

The SKUBIQ can be integrated with any line of business application or ERP thereby allowing users to synchronize items, inventory, purchase orders, and receipts.

Bens de consumo rápido

The manufacturing is a highly regulated industry globally where attention to detail is critical to help ensure stringent requirements for product quality and deadlines are met. Its become imperative for organizations to achieve a lean environment in which they have visibility to and control over these details is where competitive advantage often resides. SKUBIQ partners with major manufacturing companies globally to improve efficiency and reduce costs, such as:

  1. Support of lean manufacturing initiatives by including inventory management capabilities within manufacturing
  2. Initiating supplier re-orders based on demand signals
  3. Compliance with industry requirements for quality, product tracking, safety, and recall management
  4. Integrated RFID, including asset tracking
  5. Quality assurance and inspection
  6. Managing a large product catalog / SKU proliferation
  7. Addressing Customer OEM parts packaging
  8. Core stratification and remanufacturing
  9. Wave planning and small order pick optimization to reduce picker travel
  10. Serialized inventory tracking
  11. EDI / ASN integration


Distributors normally lack precise and seamless traceability, lot control, and recall management capabilities jeopardizing the inventory thereby putting their businesses at risk of compliance failures and legal liabilities. In addition, they are constantly challenged by the emerging consumer demands for omni-channel commerce, specialized products, and more convenient delivery options

SKUBIQ is trusted worldwide for supply chain management and visibility. But Why? Simply because our uniquely adaptable software solutions help companies like you stay on top of this fast-changing market.

SKUBIQ helps address the complete process of fulfilling complex, multi-temperature home delivery orders. SKUBIQ has the inbuilt flexibility in helping emerging online retailers and distributors a wide range of specialty products through traditional eCommerce fulfillment models.

As one of the market leaders in warehouse management (WMS) for cold-storage, third-party-logistics companies that play a critical role distribution, we bridge inventory and distribution between some of the world’s largest producers and their customers.

Farmacêutica e Cirúrgica

The SKUBIQ WMS Software is a cloud-based Warehouse management system and is designed for third-party logistics companies to manage multiple customers, processes and billing schedules. The system enables access to real-time information and provides integrations with warehouse management technologies, including EDI, barcode scanning, and e-commerce shopping carts. The software scalability helps companies to manage different stock levels in warehouses, streamline business, and satisfy customers.

SKUBIQ WMS Software is designed to help logistics companies automate processes and bill items accurately. The software provides features which allow the user to easily add and remove customers and products. The software is designed to help logistics providers satisfy customers’ need for updated information and increase profits through process automation.

The SKUBIQ can be integrated with any line of business application or ERP thereby allowing users to synchronize items, inventory, purchase orders, and receipts.